A Few of the Fastest Birds on this Earth

Birds are classified as endothermic animals and are recognized by their distinct feathers, hard-shelled eggs, beaked jaws, four-chambered hearts, high metabolic rates, and robust yet lightweight skeletons.
The ostrich is a nine-foot-tall, flightless bird, while the bee hummingbird is the tiniest, at only two inches. This post briefly discusses a few of the world’s fastest birds.
Peregrine falcon
The peregrine falcon, the world’s fastest living creature at 389 km/h, is a widespread bird of prey found on every continent except Antarctica.
With long, pointed wings and powerful muscles, it achieves exceptional flight speed while stiff feathers minimize drag.
Golden eagle
This is a dark brown bird with lighter golden-brown plumage on the nape, is a renowned bird of prey in the Northern Hemisphere. Belonging to the Accipitridae family, it can reach 240 to 320 km/h speed.
White-throated needletail
The bird, also called the needle-tailed swift or spine-tailed swift, is a migratory species breeding in southern Siberia and Central Asiaa.
Wintering in the Southeast Asia, Indian Subcontinent, and Australia, it belongs to the Apodidae bird family. Its maximum speed is 169 km/h.
Eurasian hobby
The Eurasian hobby, a small falcon, inhabits open woodlands, river edges, and forests across Africa, Europe, and Asia.
As long-distance migrants, they winter in Central Africa and Southern Asia, showcasing rapid and acrobatic flight, reaching speeds of up to 160 km/h.
The frigate bird, a large tropical seabird with a 2.3-meter wingspan, boasts the world’s largest wingspan-to-body weight ratio.
Reaching a maximum speed of 153 km/h, it can stay aloft for a week, landing only for rest and breeding.
Spur-winged goose
The spur-winged goose, a large waterfowl in African wetlands, ranges from 76 to 115 cm in length, weighing up to 7 kg, with a wingspan of 1.5 to 2 meters.
Remarkably, it achieves a top speed of 142 km/h, making it the world’s fastest goose and outpacing other perching ducks.
Red-breasted merganser
The red-breasted merganser, a sizable diving duck, populates freshwater lakes and rivers in North America and Europe.
With a wingspan of 67 to 79 cm., they migrate to Northern Canada and Alaska, reaching a top speed of 129 km/h during this journey before winter arrives.
Grey-headed albatross
The grey-headed albatross, a large seabird breeding in the South Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, features a bluish-grey head and neck with a black-grey tail.
With a 2.2-meter wingspan, it reaches a max speed of 127 km/h, utilizing Antarctic storms for faster flight, aided by its large wingspan for balanced flying in turbulent conditions.
The canvasback, a diving duck found in North American marshes and swamps, possesses an 86 cm. wingspan, reaching a maximum speed of 117 km/h in flight.
As a migratory bird, they embark on winter migration to the Great Lakes, flying in a ‘V’-shaped formation for efficiency between the U.S. and Canada.
Anna’s hummingbird
This medium-sized hummingbird is a member of the Trochilidae family of birds and can fly at the speed of 98.27 km/h.
It can be found along North America’s coast. Its pale grey belly and breast contrast with its iridescent bronze-green back and its green flanks.